
By Erik Hernandez

Ted Talks


10 Ways The Wolrd Could End

Stephen Petranek ~ TED2002

10 ways the world could end


The 10 ways the world could end, based off Stephen Petranek;

  1. Lose the will to live
  2. Alien invade Earth
  3. The Ecosystem Will Colapse
  4. Particle Accelerator Mishap
  5. Biotech Disaaster
  6. Reveresd Magnetic Field
  7. Cheap Rocketry
  8. New Global Epidemic
  9. Black Hole
  10. Big Asteroid

Aliens Built the Pyramid

Sarah Kurnick ~ TED-MileHigh

Aliens built the pyramids

With the amount of theories surrounding the pyramids regarding who built them, Sarah wanted to express her reasonings on why she believes the pyramids were built

becuase of an alien species.

The Future Is In Your Hands

Julen Goni

The Future is in your hands

The World Through Glass

Sophie Pearson

The World Through Glass


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